Monday, January 23, 2012

Approaching "4" day two

I have been reminiscing today...looking at pictures...thinking...feeling... remembering the good, bad, and ugly...When I think back to everything...I really don't know how we made it is nothing short of a miracle...I believe in miracles...always have...sometimes the unexpected happens for no reason at all...and life is never the same, again. When I think back to all the impossible situations, we have found ourselves is surreal. So much has been lost over the last years... So where do we go from here...right now...I can't tell you...I don't know.

I can tell you this...

I had an epiphany, today...I was talking with "M" and watching "J" try to climb onto the table for the 100th time...and it dawned on me ...that when I'm in the moment...really in the moment...or present...I'm happy...really is when I venture out and try to put the puzzle of our future together...that I'm sad...because we don't have all the fault, no blame, no pity...just all the pieces aren't available, right now.

So here is to living in the moment, placing no blame, and feeling no pity...accepting this is where we are right now...and I choose to be happy ...right now...

Happy "early" Birthday "J"

"J" had severe Pulmonary Hypertension in these pics...we had no idea, if she would live.

"J" now approaching "4"

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